Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Japan Voice Pack for English Version (Updated for v1.1.3)

If you enjoy japanese voices, but can't read japanese. Then, a good news for you. Thanks to the reddit user Nakalot who has compiled the japanese voice pack to replace the english voice. The download link can be found here.

How To:

  1. Extract and copy folder "v" to "Android -> data -> com.cygames.Shadowverse -> files".
  2. Replace all files.
And done! Now you have the undub version for Shadowverse.

Original post can be found here.

Friday, July 22, 2016

New Bloodcraft & Forestcraft Leader for August Update!

Actually, it was already announced since a while ago. Shadowerse had revealed two of the skins that you can get in August major update. At this point, Cygames has not yet revealed the details on how to obtain these skins. For now, let's take a sneak peek on them.

Bloodcraft leader - Vampi

Forestcraft Leader - Selwyn

Presumably, skins for other leaders will be coming too, although Cygames has not shed any light on this. However, this could be a hint that the skins would be the gender counterpart of the original.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Beginner Guide #2 - Legendaries Guide

I write this guide to help people who reroll and give idea which legendaries they should aim for. 
Disclaimer I will give each cards a rating from 1 to 5 stars to help people understand its worth. The ratings are based on my opinion and experiences. I'm not a pro player, but I watched a lot of top-ranked players decks, so you can count on me on this :p


(7) Gabriel - She gives +4 to an allied follower, can be useful to launch a surprise attack at the end of the game where you may lack a firepower to finish your opponent. She also grants +3 defense, useful for buffing your ward. Her being neutral means she can fit in all type of decks. She's quite flexible, but can be useless if you have no other followers. My verdict for her is 4 star.

(8) Lucifer: He's handsome and his art is great. He can heal your leader or damage the your opponent leader when evolved. A very versatile card. Useful when playing against aggro deck and able to finish the game even when your opponent's boards are filled with wards. He's quite common to be used in Bloodcraft or Havencraft deck. My verdict for him is 5 star.

(10) Satan: Basically, he will replace your current deck to Apocalypse deck which filled with absurdly strong cards. He can act as a game finisher because many won't survive from the cheat like cards coming from the Apocalypse deck. However, his cost is 10 which basically you can only play him in late game. You need to survive until he comes out. He acts as the ultimate win condition in Dragoncraft deck, because of its specialty to increase PP from the early game, Havencraft and Runecraft deck as well, which are specialized to delay the game until late. My verdict for him is 5 star.


(3) Ancient Elf: Low cost and ward. She returns other followers when summoned, but for each followers returned her stats are buffed by +1/+1 so it's quite nice. She also works well to clear up your board from being clogged up with fairies. She makes a good combination with Harvest Festival and Rhinoceroach. Most people are running 3 cards in Forestcraft deck. My verdict for her is 5 star.

(6) Fairy Princess: She's very good at refilling your hands with fairies. She might go well for Silver Bolt or Rose Queen combo, but at cost 6, I think she's quite slow. In the mid-game, you need something to control the board. Sacrificing 6 points just to refill your hands with fairies is not a good move. My verdict for her is 3 star.

(8) Rose Queen: She can be your game finisher. She converts the fairies in your hands into Thorn Burst which deal 3 damage to either enemy's follower or even leader. That means if you have 10 PP and 5 TB, you can deal 15 direct damage to enemy's leader. If you play her well, you can always finish the game in turn 10. However, at cost 8 you need at least 2 turns and it's not easy to pull off this combo when facing against aggro decks because they won't wait for you. My verdict for her is 4 star.


(5) Aurelia, Regal Saber: Yes, she's Saber from Fate. Well joke aside, she can be quite annoying for your opponent to deal with. She has ward and scaling attack and immunity to spell when opponent's follower are 3 or more. With 6 defense, she can save you from aggro decks and most likely your opponent will need to spend an evolution point to deal with her. She's good for defending, but not a game finisher. She's quite common in mid-range Swordcraft deck along with Otohime. My verdict for her is 4 star.

(6) Sea Queen Otohime: Swordcraft deck always aim to win the game by filling the board with minions and buff them to launch devastating attacks. Even if your board had been cleaned out, you can immediately fill them up with Otohime. Fill your board, evolve Otohime to clear opponent's ward, and buff them next turn with Sage Commander. Not many decks can deal with her, especially those with out AoE spell. She's must have for any Swordcraft deck. My verdict for her is 5 star.

(6) Tsubaki: She can sneak through to finish your opponent. Her effect is to destroy an enemy follower with 5 attack or more, quite useful when facing decks with strong followers, like Dragoncraft or Havencraft. She also has ambush, which can be a nightmare for opponent without any AoE spells or wards. She's nice to have, but not necessary unless you have no better cards for her spot. My verdict for her is 4 star.

(to be continued...)

Shadowverse Gets PC Version in August

The official Twitter account of japanese Shadowverse has revealed that the game will be getting a PC version in August.
But, please be reminded that this is DMM GAMES version, which you may need VPN to log in. So, unless you're living in Japan it'd be wise to wait for the Steam version.

The pre-registration is open at and for players who pre-register will get 3 card packs as present. Looking at the notes, it seems that you can link account in the mobile version with PC version, but only one account. Once you linked, you won't be able to link to other platforms version, and this operation can't be cancelled.

There's no confirmation yet for English version, but Shadowverse already got greenlight in Steam. Most likely, it will be coming in the near future. I recommend to not link your account yet and wait for Steam release.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Rule Changes and Cost Adjustment for August Update

In the upcoming August update, Cygames will make some changes to the game mechanics. The original article can be found here.

In summary:
1. The player that goes second will draw two cards instead of one on the first turn.
2. The Forestcraft amulet Harvest Festival will cost 4 play points instead of 2.
3. Harvest Festival will yield 200 vials when liquefied for a limited period of time.
4. Future plan will increase maximum card in hand to from 8 to 9.


It seems that from the ranked match data, there's a tendency that player who goes first has better winning chance. So, they compensate by adding an extra card to player going second. I'm not sure how it will affect the balance, but surely it will increase the winning chance of second player. Cygames stated that they will continue to analyze play data and take steps to address balance issues whenever they arise.

The Purgatory Elf (or known as PtP Forestcraft) deck is powerful, maybe too powerful. Its strength lies on its abilities to increase cards in hands using fairies and Harvest Festival and convert them into shadows with Altered Fate. Once the shadows collected is over 30, then it's time to put Path to Purgatory to finish off the game. They works too well making it a little bit unbalanced, so it's no surprise that Cygames will nerf it. But, I think it's still good way that they won't nerf Path to Purgatory or Altered Fate, because the nerf to these two cards will probably make PtP decks become useless. If you're not familiar with PtP deck, please watch the following video.

Harvest Festival vial when liquefied increased from 50 to 200! So, if you have extra of it please hold off for now. 

Maximum cards in hands will be increased from 8 to 9. Runecraft user may benefit from this because a lot of Rune cards effect are to draw cards. This would make forestcraft more interesting too, since they rely on hand size for certain things, such as Silver Bolt and Will of the Forest. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Beginner Guide #1 - Rerolling Guide

What is rerolling, and why reroll?

Rerolling is a term often used when playing mobile games, which is the action of creating accounts multiple times to get certain cards on an account. Usually, mobile games will provide new players with certain amount of resources to be spent on the gacha, in which the player can get characters or cards. In Shadowverse itself, new players will get around 7 or more card packs in the beginning. The card rarities are divided by bronze, silver, gold, and legendary as the highest tier. By rerolling, people can start off with some legendaries they want which will save some time and effort to build the deck later on. 

So, how do I reroll?

For iOS user, sorry no easy way. You need to delete the app and redownload the app again. If your iOS is jailbroken, you can try this method:
Disclaimer follow at your own risk

  • Navigate to your app folder through ifile, should be in containers>data>application or alternatively connect to your pc and do it through iFunbox
  • Once your inside the app go to library>preferences and either backup or delete com.cygames.Shadowverse.plist if your on the US version or if your on the JP version. This file contains your ID information
  • If you want to transfer between the two apps then rename the plist file to the other one.
  • Reroll as normal.
The original method was posted in reddit:

For Android user, it's a lot easier. Just clear data and cache and you're done.

When should I stop rerolling?

Obviously, when you get the legendaries you aim for. However, I recommend to aim for 4 or more legendaries. If you're starting with 10 packs or more, it might take hours or even days, but it's not impossible. The legendaries drop rate is not as bad as you thought. 

Which Legendary should I aim for?

Maybe in the future I will write more in-depth guide for this, but for now I write a simple guide for each legendary.
EDIT: I decided to make a separate post. Please check here: Beginner Guide #2 - Legendaries Guide

Monday, July 18, 2016

Welcome to Shadowverse Realm Blog

Welcome to my blogs! This is a blog I set up to share everything about Shadowverse.

In the past, I always liked to play TCG, like Yu-Gi-Oh!, Pokemon TCG, Digimon Card Battle, etc. Also, my first mobile game is Rage of Bahamut also by Cygames. Hearthstone game mechanics is very interesting, but I'm not quite fond of the art (hey, I'm an anime guy!) so when Shadowverse was announced last year in 2015, I was like "Perfect, this game is for me!". Hearthstone mechanics with Rage of Bahamut arts, what could go wrong!? (I hope Cygames won't mess this up, I have high hope on you!)

My IGN is Reversi and my User ID is 527 893 995. If you'd like, please add me as your friend.

Meanwhile, please enjoy the trailers!